Here are some products that we make ourselves and are available for Sale.  If the price is not listed then you can contact us at


Hydrant Diffusers:


Fire Hydrant Flow Diffuser


The answer to people, property and vehicle safety concerns when flushing fire hydrants.


This unusually effective and easy to use device tames high water pressure, reducing the drop distance from the usual 20-30 feet to a mere 6 feet…a great reduction.  The force of water likewise is drastically reduced, rendering it harmless to vehicle traffic as well as curious neighborhood children, who invariably gather to watch and play in the water.


Metropolitan Utilities District (M.U.D.) of Omaha Nebraska originally designed the diffuser.  The first units were fabricated 25 years ago and are still in daily use.


The Omaha Problem was:  Main pressure varied from 60 psi to more than 150 psi.  The higher psi pressures, when flushing were a constant concern to Omaha M.U.D. people.  Often 2 employees were required when flushing hydrants.  1 person was needed to open the hydrant and the other person to keep onlookers and vehicular traffic at a distance.  The diffusers allow one person to open more than one hydrant without concern, leaving these unattended for long periods allowing for a thorough flushing.


The hydrant-mounting caps can very depending upon customer request.





 Turntable Parts Washers:

Parts washers standard and custom have been our specialty for years.  One of our standard models has a 40 inch turntable.  The one shown allows for loading and unloading from both sides.  It also has built in tank heaters and oil skimmers to help clean parts more effectively.  The washer folds open for easy cleaning inside and out.  We also make a standard 20 inch model as well.